The words 'Lapis Lazuli' translate from their ancient linguistic roots as 'Stone of Azure Blue.' The stone has been in use with such reverence for so long that the words in several languages evolved inseparable from the name of the gem, so that the gem itself is an adjective or even noun, the name of the the very concept of blue. Lapis Lazuli is not the color of the sky, the sky and waters are lazuli, lazur, azure... blue. And this makes sense, as there are few such vivid and stable hues in all of nature. Lapis was also what was meant in medieval uses of the word sapphire, from the Greek 'sappheiros' and Hebrew 'sappir,' until that word was borrowed, recently, to describe the stone we know by that name now.
The material has been mined and used in jewelry and ornaments in the ancient Indus Valley, Persia, and elsewhere for at least 9000 years! It was used as a gem in King Tut's mask, colored walls and statues in early and classical Greece and Rome, and was crushed to make some of the finest and most expensive paints in the flourishing of Renaissance Europe. It was Michelangelo's blue in the Sistine Chapel sky.
The symbolism of Lapis Lazuli is as broad and deep as it's history. Valuable, treasured, and occasionally sacred, in Asia, Africa, and Europe alike, it has been a symbol of ancient Annona, the goddess of love and war, Maat, the Egyptian goddess of truth, and was, for several hundred years, a near requirement in depictions of the Christian Mary, giving identity to the figure in much Byzantine and Renaissance art. It has, for at least a couple thousand years, been associated with luck, warding off the 'evil eye,' and in medieval Europe, was said to cure anger and stupidity. Would that it could, the world would be less blue by benefit of such an azure boon.
But here, have your own, and happily wear it! You'll be in good company of goddesses and kings, of Mary, Maat, and Michelangelo! I've just finished the final steps of work making 14 new high-grade Lapis Lazuli pendants, and they are all now available in the Etsy store at: