I collect photographs dating from the 1840s to the 1940s. I am drawn to these images as irreplaceable and almost magical glimpses into our collective history, time capsules of past moments preserved only on fragile glass and paper. These are not for sale. I’ve digitally imaged them here to increase the chance of their survival and to share them with others who may enjoy them as well. I’m not an expert, but I’ve identified people, places, and ages of the images to the best of my ability based on occasional notes on the backs, paper and printing, and on the contents of the images.
- Robert Beauford
1910 to 1920 Photographs
Identified from notes on reverse: Bert (32), Cora (28), Laverne (7), Levert (5), and Elroy (3) Ward. Photograph dated July 1911. Note that the two younger boys are wearing photo buttons/pins. The pin on the boy to the right shows a man, and the one on the left shows a woman. Neither are the adults shown.
Levert and Elroy Ward with Memorial Photo Pins July 1911, detail from Ward family photograph to show the boys wearing photo pins of an unknown man and woman.
1910 Horse and buggy photograph. "Jess Admire & 3 Dodds kids Jess 22 years old Byron is 6, Burnice is 9 John 3, taken in 1910." The date is a bit illegible, and may read 1915, but I'm pretty sure it is 1910.
Four well-to-do women, photograph probably taken between about 1917 and 1920. 1917-1923 style Ford Model T cars are shown behind them and the fashions, jewelry, and accessories are consistent with the 1910-1920 period or earlier. Interestingly, all of them are wearing spectacles. Identification on reverse: Emily Carter(?), Lydia Townsend, Alice Burton, and Ida Aultman
Circa 1910 'Laura' and 'Gerald' with chickens in front of a small house. The house seems to have two front doors place side by side with knobs on opposite sides so that they swung towards the middle, suggesting they opened towards an interior wall that divided the small cabin in two. The chickens are clustered at the opening of a low circle of chicken wire that would have been used to corral, protect, and feed young chicks.
Circa 1910 prairie sod house with a man and boy. The man is 'Herb.' The man is feeding a young pig from a bucket. One or two more pigs are visible next to the fence of a recently constructed corral or pen abutting the house. Additional boards are leaning against the fence. The sun is low, and the door likely faces south (the North would collect blowing snow on the plains, and the east side pen would be more sheltered than the west from plains storms), which would make this a spring or autumn evening from the direction of shadows. (That last bit is a guess, though the sun is low.)