Robert Ellis Beauford, PhD

Eureka Springs, Arkansas


I am a science writer, geoscientist, and metalsmith. In geosciences, I concentrate in astrogeology, studying altered mineral assemblages associated with the high pressures and temperatures found in large meteorite impact craters.

Education and Scholarship


PhD in Space and Planetary Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. (Astrogeology)

Dissertation: Physical Records of Impacts in the Early and Modern Solar System


BS in Anthropology (Archeology) from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, 1993

National Merit Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa, Graduated Cum Laude with Departmental Distinction.  Minor in Linguistics.  Fort Burgwin Archeology Field School, 1993.  Emphasis: Northern Rio Grande Anasazi.

Professional Experience

Business Owner (President, Wildsmith Corporation, 1994-present)

I built and have managed a profitable and stable small business for over 20 years.  Through the corporation, I have owned and operated several retail stores.  Today, I operate a single gallery, called MUSE (DBA), in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  In this capacity, I have handled rocks, minerals, beads, gems, and meteorites at the retail and wholesale level in nearly every form I can think of except as construction materials.

Co-editor of Meteorite Magazine (2010 to 2014) Meteorite magazine served the amateur, professional, educator, and research communities with current meteorite and impact crater related news. It was my pleasure to help authors prepare manuscripts for press and to facilitate the production of each new issue. Ongoing responsibilities included author and publisher communication and coordination, copy editing, and the facilitation of publication across language and cultural barriers.  This work was done in cooperation with Dr. Derek Sears of NASA Ames.

Curator of Meteorites, I served, in a volunteer capacity, as the curator of meteorites for the University of Arkansas, between 2010 and 2015, while attending the institution as a doctoral student.  With periodic involvement by several others, I helped provide meteorite related outreach, improvements in cataloging and storage for the collection, and stabilization of the center's samples.  This work was primarily done under the guidance of Dr. Lin Oliver.

Jeweler and Lapidary (stone cutter) - (1994-present)  I have individually handcrafted over 10,000 pieces of silver and gold jewelry in the 22 year period from 1994 to 2016.  My work has been displayed in several dozen galleries and has been featured in numerous publications, both in print and online.  I have quarried or surface collected many gems, fossils, and minerals that have been used in the jewelry work.

Archaeological and Paleontological Conservator, occasional, contract (1994-2004) Archeological and paleontological (artifact and fossil) authentication, stabilization, chemical and mechanical preparation, and restoration, working with materials ranging from ancient Roman bronzes to medieval glass and fossil fish.

Manager of Preparation and Paleontological Preparator (1991-1994) - Preparation labs at Shuler Museum of Paleontology (Dinosaurs), Southern Methodist University.

As a Preparator, and later a Manager of Preparation, I oversaw a paleontological preparation laboratory and preparator workforce of 4 to 8 people, as well as participating in active programs including preparation and micro-preparation, equipment maintenance, field recovery, mapping, documentation, molding, and stabilization.  Projects included juvenile hypsilophodontids from Early Cretaceous Trinity Group outcrops at Proctor Lake, Texas, portions of a Tenontosaurus from an Early Cretaceous site at the Doss Ranch, in Proctor County, Texas, and substantial portions of an Acrocanthosaurus found at the Hobson Ranch, near the Doss Ranch location. This work was done under the advisement and instruction of Dr. Dale Winkler and Dr. Louis Jacobs.

Curation Assistant (1991~1992) at Southern Methodist University, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man (ISEM) Archaeological Research Program (ARP) I performed archeological curation, documentation, and artifact reconstruction, with a task emphasis in ceramics.

Earlier Employment

Prior to 1991, I worked as an attendant, and then student manager, at the SMU student union game room and outdoor recreation center.  Prior to this, I worked as a cave tour guide, at Cascade Caverns, in Texas, and in general construction and ranch labor.

Professional Affiliations

Geological Society of America


Meteoritical Society

Honors, Recognitions, Support

Golden Key National Honor Society

Lunar and Planetary Institute LPSC Career Development Award, 2012 ($1000) (Thank you!)

NASA Cosmochemistry Travel Award, Meteoritical Society, 2012 ($1000) (Thank you!)

Other Current Projects and Research Interests

Pseudo-impacts, crater-like objects, and unrecognized fossil impact craters.



I served as the co-editor of Meteorite magazine, in cooperation with Dr. Derek Sears and staff, from Winter 2010, Volume 16, No. 4, to Winter 2014, Volume 20, No. 4.


Beauford, R. E. (2013) Turquoise - Stone of Heaven. Smashwords. ISBN: 9781301199150


Beauford, R. E. (2014) Science of Fieldwork. Meteorite Magazine. June 2014. Volume 20, No. 2.

Beauford R. E. and Evans K. R. 2014. Preliminary Reconnaissance of the Belton Structure, A Possible Impact Crater in Cass County, Missouri (abstract #1217), 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

Beauford, R. E. (2013) Chelyabinsk, Fireballs, and Fragmentation. Meteorite Magazine. June 2013. Volume 19, No. 2.

Beauford R. E. and Sears D. 2013. Timing of Fine-grained Rim Formation in the Sutter’s Mill CM Chondrite (abstract #1692), 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

Beauford R. E., Arnold S. K., and Sears D. 2013. The Macrostructure of the Sutter’s Mill CM Chondrite Regolith Breccia (abstract #1683), 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference[book review]

Beauford, R. E.  (2013) Impact Cratering - Processes and Products” by Gordon R. Osinski and Elisabetta Pierazzo (book review). Meteorite Magazine. March 2013. Volume 19, No. 1.

Beauford, R. E., (2012) The Meteoritical Society Meeting, 2012.  Meteorite Magazine.  November 2012. Volume 18, No. 4.

Beauford, R. E., (2012) Sutter’s Mill - What’s so special about CM chondrites?  Meteorite Magazine.  November 2012. Volume 18, No. 4.

Jenniskens et al., (2012) Radar-Enabled Recovery of the Sutter’s Mill Meteorite, a Carbonaceous Chondrite Regolith Breccia. Science 21:338 (6114), 1583-1587.

Beauford R. E., Arnold S. K., Sears D. (2012) The Macrostructure of the Sutter’s Mill Meteorite (abstract #5091), 75th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting

Beauford, R. E., (2012) Ensisheim to L’Aigle – Meteorites and Meteoritics from 1492 to 1803.  Meteorite Magazine.  August 2012. Volume 18, No. 3.

Brachaniec, T., and Beauford, R. E., (2012) Search for a Meteorite Driven Extinction in the Late Devonian.  Meteorite Magazine.  August 2012. Volume 18, No. 3.

Beauford, R. E. (2012) The Springs of Eureka Springs. The Ozarks Mountaineer. July/August 2012. Volume 60, No. 4

Beauford, R. E. (2012) More Than Meets the Eye – Ancient Meteorite Impact Craters of the Ozark Plateau. The Ozarks Mountaineer. May/June 2012. Volume 60, No. 3

Beauford, R. E. (2012) The 43rd LPSC, Conference Abstracts, and Bridges to Knowledge. Meteorite Magazine.  May 2012. Volume 18, No. 2

Beauford, R. E. (2012) Ferrous Minerals and Impactite Mineralization at Missouri’s Crooked Creek and Decaturville Impact Craters (abstract #1710), 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

Beauford, R. E. (2012) Carbonate Melts and Sedimentary Impactite Variation at Crooked Creek and Decaturville Impact Craters, Missouri, USA (abstract #1705), 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

Beauford, R. E. (2012) From the Editors, A Short History and the Future of Impact Astrogeology. Meteorite Magazine.  Feb 2012. Volume 18, No. 1

Beauford, R. E. (2012) Craters of the Ozarks – The Crooked Creek, Decaturville, and Weaubleau Impact Structures.  Meteorite Magazine.  Feb 2012. Volume 18, No. 1

Beauford, R. E. (2011) From the Editors, No End to Discovery. Meteorite Magazine.  November 2011. Volume 17, No. 4, pp. 4-5.

Beauford, R. E. (2011) Meteorwrongs Received by the Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences. Program Results and Potentials (abstract #1100), 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

Beauford, R. E. (2011) From the Editors, Still the Most Amazing Thing I’ve Ever Seen.  Meteorite Magazine. August 2011. Volume 17, No. 3

Beauford, R. E. (2011) From the Editors, Dream Big and The World Will Dream With You. Meteorite Magazine.  May 2011. Volume 17, No. 2

Beauford, R. E. (2010) Meteorwrongs and Why They Matter More Than We Think.  Meteorite Magazine. November 2010. Volume 16, No. 4

Beauford, R. E. (2010) “Meteorites.” The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture. 21 September 2010.

Beauford R. E. (June, 2006) Chain Reaction, Fabricating a Simple Chains. Jewelry Arts / Lapidary Journal Magazine.

Beauford R. E. (July, 2005) 12 Favorite Tools You (Probably) Won’t Find at the Jeweler’s Supply. Jewelry Arts / Lapidary Journal Magazine.

Beauford R. E. (June, 2005) Ornamented Round Box. Jewelry Arts / Lapidary Journal Magazine.Beauford R. E. (April, 2005) Capping a Crystal, A basic and useful technique. Jewelry Arts / Lapidary Journal Magazine.

Beauford R. E. (August, 2004) Southwest Silver Pendant, A twist on a classic. Jewelry Arts / Lapidary Journal Magazine.

Beauford, R. E.  2001.  Meteorites 101 – An Introduction to Meteorites.

Beauford, R. E.  2000.  Micrometeorites - Meteorites in your own back yard.  Voyage Magazine.

Beauford, R. E.  2000.  Super Magnet Meteorite Ring.  Voyage Magazine.

Beauford, R. E. 1999. The Cleaning, Restoration, and Preservation of Ancient Bronze Coins and Artifacts.

Subordinate Author Publications

Jenniskens P., Fries M. D., Yin Q., Zolensky M., Krot A. N., Sandford S. A., Sears D., Beauford R., Ebel D. S., Friedrich J. M., Nagashima K., Wimpenny J., Yamakawa A., Nishiizumi K., Hamajima Y., Caffee M. W., Welten K. C., Laubenstein M., Davis A. M., Simon S. B., Heck P. R., Young E. D., Kohl I. E., Thiemens M. H., Nunn M. H., Mikouchi T., Hagiya K., Ohsumi K., Cahill T. A., Lawton J. A., Barnes D., Steele A., Rochette P., Verosub K. L., Gattacceca J., Cooper G., Glavin D. P., Burton A. S., Dworkin J. P., Elsila J. E., Pizzarello S., Ogliore R., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Harir M., Hertkorn N., Verchovsky A., Grady M., Nagao K., Okazaki R., Takechi H., Hiroi T., Smith K., Silber E. A., Brown P. G., Albers J., Klotz D., Hankey M., Matson R., Fries J. A., Walker R. J., Puchtel I., Lee C-T. A., Erdman M. E., Eppich G. R., Roeske S., Gabelica Z., Lerche M., Nuevo M., Girten B., Worden S. P., and (the Sutter’s Mill Meteorite Consortium). 2012. Radar-Enabled Recovery of the Sutter’s Mill Meteorite, a Carbonaceous Chondrite Regolith Breccia. Science 21:338(6114):1583-1587.

Sears D. W. and Beauford R. 2014. The Sutter's Mill meteorite: Thermoluminescence data on thermal and metamorphic history. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12259

Arnold S. and Beauford R. E. 2014. Introductory Meteorite Fieldwork - Part 3: Chasing Witnessed Falls and Fireballs. Meteorite magazine. Fall 2014. Volume 20, No. 3.

Arnold S. and Beauford R. E. 2014. Introductory Meteorite Fieldwork - Part 2: Where to Hunt and Why to Hunt There. Meteorite magazine. Summer 2014. Volume 20, No. 2.

Arnold S. and Beauford R. E. 2014. Introductory Meteorite Fieldwork - Part 1: An Overview of Meteorite Hunting. Meteorite magazine. February 2014. Volume 20, No. 1.

Brachaniec T. and Beauford R. E. 2014. Impacts on Earth - How Are Craters Confirmed? Meteorite magazine. February 2014. Volume 20, No. 1.

Brachaniec T. and Beauford R. E. 2012. Search for a Meteorite Driven Extinction in the Late Devonian.  Meteorite magazine.  August 2012. Volume 18, No. 3.

Kohler E. and Beauford R. E. 2011. Planetary atmospheres and meteorite impacts in the inner solar system.  Meteorite magazine.  May 2011. Volume 17, No. 2

Foreign Language Reprints

Beauford R. (2013) Czelabińsk, bolidy i fragmentacja, Meteoryt, Nr 3 (87). p.22–25, (reprinted from METEORITE v.19 no.2).

Beauford R. (2013) Sutter's Mill – co jest takiego szczególnego w chondrytach CM?, Meteoryt, Nr 2 (86). p.3–7, (reprinted from METEORITE v.18 no.4).

Brachaniec T. and Beauford R. (2013), Późno dewońskie impakty a kryzys fran-famen, Meteoryt, Nr 2 (86). p.15–16, (reprinted from METEORITE v.18 no.3).

Beauford, R. E. (2012) Odkryciom nie ma końca, p.3–4, Pełen optymizmu artykuł jednego z redaktorów Meteorite. Konkluzja? Szukać nadal warto!  Meteoryt, Nr 1 (81).  (‘Discovery Has No End’ reprinted from METEORITE v.17 no.4).

Beauford, R. E. (2012) Wciąż są to najbardziej zdumiewające rzeczy jakie kiedykolwiek widzieliśmy, p.3, Meteoryt, Nr 4 (80) (Still the Most Amazing Thing I’ve Ever Seen) reprinted from METEORITE v.17 no.3).



 - an educational resource for impact crater science


 - several brief resources and research articles

Contributions to Books and Articles

•Graci N. (June, 2005) First Class Production.  Jewelry Arts / Lapidary Journal Magazine.

•Pulte, William and Feeling, Durbin (1998) Cherokee Language Translations. Not yet published.

•Helen I. Driggs (2008) Jewelry Making Tools, Tips, and More: Cool Tools and Hip Tips. Ebook, Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist.

•Sanford S. M., digitally reprinted in 2011 (previously soft bound 2004, 2007). Complete Guide To Jewelry Soldering: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why!, Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist – Photography by Robert Beauford.

•White, M. and Driggs,  H. (eds.) 2011, 10 Basic Metalsmithing Jewelry Projects – Best of Lapidary Journal Jewelry Arts, Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist.  Contributing author.

•White, M. and Driggs,  H. (eds.) 2011, 10 Bezel Setting Projects: The Best of Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist, Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist.  Contributing author.

•White, M. and Driggs, H. (eds. ) 2014, Making Soldered Jewelry, Projects, Basics, and More: Best of Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist, Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist. Contributing author.

Projects, Research Teams, and Field Work

Archaeology (New Mexico) and Paleontology (Texas), various.

Sutter's Mill Meteorite Consortium, organized by Peter Jenniskens, NASA / SETI.  Results presented at Met Soc, 2012, journal SCIENCE, LPSC. - see related publications

Electron Probe Microanalysis Laboratory, Arkansas - Before a building remodel eliminated the laboratory space and ended the otherwise successful project. We managed to rebuild an entire electron microprobe system, including electronics, cooling, vacuum, stage and spectrometers, and much more, during several hundred hours of work. Though the laboratory and instrument were eliminated from the university's resources when the building was gutted, the project was extremely educational

Arts and Athletics

In addition to 20 years of experience as a silversmith, I've studied a couple of musical instruments sporadically, and was steadily involved with a performing dance troupe for a number of years (from 1998-2004).  I also practice figural drawing and painting, and have had some exposure of the resulting work in local shows and galleries, including: 2012 to 2015 Art at the Opera Exhibitions, 2011 to 2016 White Street Art Walks at Abrya Studio, the 2012 to 2015 Eureka Springs Artigras Exhibitions, the Resolutions 2015 multimedia exhibition, the 2015 Eureka Hungry Bowl benefit, the 2015 Eureka Springs School of the Arts Postcard Show benefit, and the 2015 Telephone Game art exhibition.  I've also assisted in hosting and coordinating a Figure Study Class from 2012 to 2016.  Though I am no longer very active in the sport, I studied martial arts for over 20 years, and briefly served as an instructor.

Volunteer Community Support

Though not currently involved, I've been a lifelong advocate and supporter of the Boy Scouts of America, for whom I have served, variously, as an Assistant Scoutmaster, Unit Commissioner, or Merit Badge Councilor.  I served the Rio Fernando Volunteer Fire Department (RFFD) as a Wildland and Structural Firefighter, Training Officer (very briefly) and Emergency Medical First Responder from 2001 to 2003.  I have never met finer people than I found among volunteer firefighters.  More recently, I contributed substantial volunteer time to the electron microprobe project at the University of Arkansas, served as volunteer co-editor of Meteorite magazine for 4 years, and served for several years, in a volunteer capacity, as curator of the U. of Arkansas meteorite collection.

Education and Public Outreach

I've served as a guest lecturer for various high schools and middle schools (arts, history and science), San Antonio College (math in the natural world), the University of Arkansas (impact craters), the Boy Scouts of America (meteorites), the Arkansas Oklahoma Astronomical Society (impact craters), the Northwest Arkansas Gem and Mineral Society (meteorites and solar system history), the Rotary Club (paleontology), the Branson Free Thinkers (solar system history) and a number of other organizations (various, 1990 to present).  I also provide periodic geology walking tours in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, when the weather is good, which are always free for educators and school groups.